

Installation unter Linux

The system will run on virtually any Linux system. However, as we do not provide an out-of-the-box installation package, Linux installation is only recommended for advanced Linux users.

You will need to install:

  • Apache web server (all current versions should work)

  • PHP 5.3.x (other versions are not supported by our binary distribution)

  • MySQL (5.0 to 5.5 have been tested) or MariaDB (5.5 and 10.3 have been tested)

  • Some PHP modules are required, especially the modules mysql and bcompiler

  • A web browser, such as a current Chrome or Firefox

On an OpenSuse 12.x, you might use

   yast -i apache2
   yast -i php5
   yast -i mysql-community-server
   yast -i apache-mod_php5
   yast -i php5_mysql

On a working system, you should be able to access http://localhost/ and get a reasonable test page.

If this works, unpack the distribution file "sd-*.zip" to your web server root, on OpenSuse this defaults to /srv/www/htdocs and will result in a sub directory "sd"

Ideally, calling http://localhost/sd/ should run the Triangles Rotation program, which should, in the first place, complain that it cannot find its "config.php": Fatal error: config.php missing Please create your own config.php using config.php.template

Create your own "config.php" by making a copy of the provided "config.php.template". For the first steps, you do not need to make any changes here, later we recommend to follow the hints in this chapter.

A all to the program might then complain that it cannot access the database.

In this case, you need to create a database on your database server using the mysql command line interface:

  create database web;
  grant all on web.* to omerzu@localhost identified by 'db';

The program should now be able to connect to the database. It will probably complain that it cannot access the "config" table: "select failed: 1146: Table web.config doesn't exist". This will go away once you call the "DB: Create" function on the Admin menu.

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