

The Barcodes radio button will select which barcodes get printed when you use the "Barcodes" links of the admin screen menu.

Important note: The "Regmode" and "Program" settings will modify the meaning of the barcodes selection! Refer to table below.

  Regmode:Active Regmode:Present Regmode:Special
All dancers who dance "program" except those without club name. All dancers
except those without club name.
All "special" dancers
(including those without club name).
omit own
All dancers who dance "program" except those with own club name or without club name. All dancers
except those with own club name or without club name.
All "special" dancers
except those with own club name.
only foreign
All dancers who dance "program" and have a "foreign barcode". All dancers
who have a "foreign barcode".
All "special" dancers
who have a "foreign barcode".
All dancers who dance "program" and are "active". All dancers
who are "active".
All "special" dancers
who are "active".
(I consider this useless.)
own club
All dancers who dance "program" with own club name. All dancers
with own club name.
All "special" dancers
with own club name.
number range
(New in v2.5) Barcodes of the print fill number range are printed in ascending numerical order. At most 5 pages of codes will be printed as defined by "paper type". Other settings (reg mode, fill type, program) will be ignored.


  • For matching purposes, "without club name" means either an empty club name or a club name set to "?"
  • An "active" dancer means a dancer who has the "active" flag checked in his dancer record.
  • A "special" dancer means a dancer who has the "special" flag checked in his dancer record.
  • A dancer who dances "program" means that this dancer has checked the (or, for alternating programs, at least one of the) currently selected dance programs as one of his dance programs in his dancer record.
  • A "foreign barcode" is a barcode outside the range of own barcodes (as defined by $to_conf['codestart'] and $to_conf['codeend']). These are barcodes that were issued by other clubs.

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