
Problems after an update

Users cannot log on

(Only in versions >= 2.5)
After an update, dancers cannot log on using the scanner, but the screen turns red and this error message occurs:

Barcode not found.
Did you forget to update your database?

(Only in versions >= v2.0j and <2.5)
After an update, dancers cannot log on using the scanner, but the screen turns black and this error message occurs:

select failed: 1054: unknown column 'code2' in 'where clause'

Both messages mean that you forgot to update your database as requested by the update instructions for the latest program version you installed.

Please run the check database function from the admin screen, this correct the structure of your database.

Dancer display does not fit the screen or is empty

After an update, the dancer display shows more lines than fitting the screen or is totally empty.

Please use the "big" or "small" function on the display screen to adjust internal variables used for screen size calculations. This has only to be done once, afterwards the new settings will be stored in Cookies for later use.

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